Seven Cool Icicle Activities
After a recent deep freeze in New England, with temperatures at -11 degrees, a mid-winter thaw is always welcome. It offers the perfect opportunity to get outside with the kids and enjoy a respite from the stale indoor air. Since the weather also creates the perfect conditions for the development of icicles and the eaves of the house, they make for a great opportunity to have some fun.
Below are fun activities you can do with icicles:
- Exercise. Walk around the house and look closely at all the icicles and explain how they form.
- Observe. Choose one icicle that can be reached. Measure it once per week for a week or two and observe the difference in length.
- Create. Break off an icicle and use it to draw pictures in the snow.
- Build. Break off many icicles and use them to build something or make a door for a fort.
- Read. Take a trip to the library and search for books about icicles.
- Chat. Talk about why water dripping from icicles is a hint that Spring is on it’s way (thank goodness!).
- Contest. See who can find the longest, oddest and prettiest.
* Caution: It’s a good idea to oversee anything kids do with icicles because they can be dangerous, especially when them observing from below.
Fifteen minutes is all it takes for everyone to enjoy a bit of fresh air, feel the sun on your faces and learn about icicles.
Thanks for reading and think Spring!