When Life Gives You Snow, Make Snow Forts
Don’t let the kids use the excuse that there is too much snow outside to go out and play. It is sometimes tough to navigate the yard when the snow is up to their waists, but excuses are not acceptable! It’s important that kids get outside, especially when they are cooped up inside due to freezing temperatures. Kids need vitamin D from the sun, fresh air and exercise even during the winter months when they naturally become sedentary.
If your kids are complaining about going outside, don’t let them get away with it. Boot them out the door by suggesting they make snow forts. The plowed or shoveled snow in the driveway offers the perfect place to build unique creations, whether they simply dig holes or make walls. After they get started, they’ll most likely spend a lot of time doing it. All that digging and building is terrific exercise and a great way to put their mind to work. The only supplies needed are shovels and snow! The bin you use for recyclables is great for making bricks if they want to get fancy.
Here are a few fantastic examples of snow forts: