Take Advantage of Free Fishing Days During National Fishing…
A great way to involve kids in the outdoors is to take them fishing. I think most parents remember the thrill of catching their first fish. Why not give your children the same opportunity to experience the excitement of feeling the tug of a fish at the end of their line?
Fortunately, taking a kid fishing does not have to be complicated. All you need is a simple fishing pole, line, hook and a worm. And in the month of June, in many states, you won’t even need a fishing license! The week of June 6-14 is National Fishing and Boating Week, and during that time state fish and wildlife agencies allow the general public to fish for free! You can find all the information you need to plan a fishing trip at TakeMeFishing.org. It is packed with information on equipment for kids, how to teach kids to fish, where to go and includes information on what states offer free fishing days.
Create new memories with your children and spend a morning at a local pond, lake, stream or beach. You’ll be glad you did and so will they!